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Pengsheng Press Realease Blueberries


On November 12th 2020 arrived in Shanghai the first Chilean blueberry container to China imported by Pengsheng, one of the leading importers of blueberries in China, whom currently have imported and sold more than 100 containers in the current season. This container marks the end of the air shipments made by Giddings and the continuation of sea shipments of blueberries for the incoming Chilean season.




Previously, both companies have engaged in a business model which aims to position the brand within Chinese consumers by airfreight until sea freights arrive to the market. During this period the air fruit was mainly sold at premium outlets such Ole, Citysuper and Rain Dew, achieving retail prices of CNY35/box.


在此之前,革顶和鹏升两家公司已经达成共识,以空运和海运衔接的模式来拉长供应期以在打响品牌。空运蓝莓主要供应到Ole, City Super, 雨露空间此类高端超市,零售价格在35/盒。


“Pengsheng and Giddings have been working together for many years now. Our relationship has been strengthening and our business come together towards a mutual path of trust and mutual development. This year we did several weeks of air shipments from Giddings, with excellent results. This program was the first Chilean program by air done during this season and covered several weeks, until today that we receive our first ocean container” Sebastian Deng – Partner at Pengsheng Industrial in Shanghai.

多年的合作使鹏升和革顶两家公司的互相信任,合作默契。今年的空运蓝莓销售情况也非常乐观。此次连续几周的空运供应,也是革顶公司的一个突破。以及今天,我们第一柜智利蓝莓的抵达,也标准着今年智利蓝莓季节的正式开始。 Sebastian Deng – 上海鹏升实业公司合伙人。


The container from Giddings is a variety breed from Australia, characterized by its large size and sweet flavor. “We believe that the fruit will have a positive feedback in the market, due to its flavor. Moreover, we have started seeing an upside trend in prices of blueberries in the Chinese market, due to fewer volumes, so this fruit arrives at right moment of time” Said Gonzalo Matamala, GM Giddings Fruit Asia & China.


革顶的这一柜蓝莓品种是由澳大利亚品种培育而成,果身大,口味甜。Gonzalo Matamala,革顶公司亚洲及中国市场总经理认为 “我们相信这个品种的风味会在中国市场大受欢迎。实际上,这个品种由于供应量有限,在中国市场的销售价格也呈上升趋势,所以现在也是最佳销售期。”


The blueberry situation in the market currently is showing favorable signs of recovery from previous weeks with low prices. Those prices were mainly explained by large volume of fruit from Peru and small volume of sweet fruit.  Nonetheless this downward trend shows a sign of recovery previous the 11.11 shopping day, which allows to clean up old stocks of fruit, impacting positively in the market prices.




Gonzalo Matamala ,Giddings Shanghai Office, Di Peng & Sebastian Deng Partners at Pengsheng Industrial


For Chilean exporters USA continues to be the main destination market for blueberries, but last season Asia and Europe show a growth of 20% and 8% respectively. Chilean exporters are looking forward to diversifying their exports and Asian markets continue to be an attractive destination for some premium fruits. The current season from Chile its forecast to have a slight increase in volume from last season, in about 2%, or 155 thousand tons.






Chilean exporters have worked closely with Chilean and Chinese authorities to establish a protocol of safety for the workers at orchards, packing house and offices in order to comply with the highest standards of safety, providing to clients worldwide an assurance of COVID-19 free traces within the packages of the fruit. On these regards, it’s worth mentioning that no trace of COVID-19 has being found in fruit exported by Chile, worldwide, since the start of the pandemic. “Customers in China can trust we are doing all the efforts to provide safest fruits to your homes” Matamala said.




One step forward in this regard, was taken by the companies Pengsheng and Giddings, providing masks for their sellers within the local market and assure quality from origin to destination.





Sebastian Deng

Partnet Pengsheng Industrial




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